Tag Archives: parfait photography

Southeast Texas Senior Photographer | Kimberly

Do you ever have one of those Mondays where the transition for peaceful sleep to wide awake and frantically working seems non-existent? Those are the days I feel ‘off.’ Like I’m out of my groove and suddenly it is almost 1:00 and…how is that possible? Thanks daylight savings time change. For many, this week begins...

Beaumont Wedding Photographer | Ashley & Salvador

Rainy days always bring out the writer in me. Maybe rain feels nostalgic, or the drone of the downpour is calming. This evening brought some cooler weather, the kids are on their way to bed, the kitchen is semi-clean (which for us just means clean) and the house is relatively quiet. Scratch that. One of...

Wedding at the Jefferson Theatre | Courtney and Brad

We have arrived to 2017! A new year and with it we await many new couples, and some fantastic weddings. This is an interesting time for us as well, coming off of this past, wild year. We celebrated the birth of our son, took a big step with us now being a full-time husband/wife photographer...

Beaumont TX Engagement Photography | Emily & Zach

If I’ve said it once…I’ve probably said it a lot more than that: I love Fall. Sure, we all love Fall for different reasons, but living in an area that seems to always have high humidity means we have unique challenges as photographers. Believe me when I say the camera can ‘see’ humidity. Outdoor light...

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